Will Hurricane Matthew Affect My Ho...

Will Hurricane Matthew Affect My Homeowners Insurance

Here in Pensacola, we did not see any damage from Hurricane Matthew. Instead we were able to play host to those fleeing the destructive path. We do however live in Florida which means insurance will be affected for all of us. This episode Shane discussed some possible outcomes, as well as suggestions for insurance.

5 minutes in real estate00:28 President Obama discusses the seriousness of the storm

1:00 Thank you for reaching out to check on our safety…We were fine

02:01 what is difference between Homeowners insurance and Flood insurance

02:40 What water events are covered in Homeowners insurance

02:58 So what is the difference in flood insurance

03:45 What is the definition of Flood

04:18 The BW act passed in congress

04:52 Insurance Affordability Act

05:20 Fl Senate Bill 542 controls some privatization of flood insurance

06:40 FEMA rezoning happening in our area as well as nationwide

07:40 Look hard at Flood insurance even if not “required”

08:40 30 day wait period for flood…..maybe?